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What is Education day?

Education day is an immersive experience for folks young and old, children of all ages, to discover the times and trials of the Wild West. Learning brings out the child in all of us! Education Day will be held on Friday, January 31, 2025, from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Schools, Homeschoolers, Groups, and clubs are encouraged to register early for this unique learning experience for all ages. Several learning stations will be set up throughout the farm with presenters sharing knowledge and offering hands on demonstrations. 

Some examples of stations are as follows: blacksmith, marshals and outlaws, authentic style Indian camps, horsemanship, medicine, guns and ammo, transportation, railroads, and more. There's plenty of bus parking. Please review the information below for more details.


Should I register in advance?

To best serve our students and ensure that they are able to experience every aspect of the day, space is limited. We highly recommend pre-registration for admission.


Where do I Pre-register?
For families or groups of less then 20, just visit our online ticket agent by clicking on the ticket link above.


For groups of 20 or more including schools, homeschool groups, groups traveling together by bus or van, or other groups, you can Pre-register two ways for Education Day. You can email our registration specialists for assistance directly at and they will work directly with you, or Click on the Group Registration Form link at the top of this page and print the registration form and e-mail it to us at


For additional details or questions please email us












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