Camping Guidelines
Camp like the Cowboys on Saturday night!
Guests who pre-register and get a camping pass to camp on the farm Saturday night, November 9, 2024. We ask for a $50 contribution.
This is family friendly camping so read the requirements carefully below so you know what to expect and what is allowed.
This is a family event, so won't be no Moonshine or bacco’ allowed ya' hear!?
Frequently Asked Questions:
When can I camp on the farm?
Saturday, November 9, 2024 guests that preregister are welcome to camp on the farm.
What does “Camp like the Cowboys” mean? What can I expect?
It means that you’ll have outhouses (porta-potties), but that’s about it! Tents, RVs, and motorhomes are welcome. RVs and motorhomes must be self-contained as no hookups are provided.
Who can camp on the farm?
This is a family friendly event. We welcome guests that can be around children and families. Random background checks may be requested at the discretion of security. Guests on the farm after 4pm without the proper identification are subject to removal.
We want to camp as a group, are we allowed?
Church groups, Boys and Girls scouts, or other groups are welcome to camp on the farm Saturday evening. Contact us in advance and we can reserve your spot to insure your group will be together. Your group is responsible for each individual’s registration. Kirby Family Farm assumes no liability or responsibility for anyone, including minors, within the group. For more information on camping for groups of 20 or more contact us at 352-812-7435 or info@kirbyfarm.com.
Where can we camp on the farm?
We have designated camping areas for modern and authentic camping. You will be directed to the appropriate area after check-in.
How much does it cost to camp?
We ask for a $50 contribution for charity per vehicle for camping. *If you plan on camping you will need to fill out a camper’s registration with all campers names and ages. Please email us at info@kirbyfarm.com for registration form.
Can I obtain a Camping Pass in advance?
Pre-registration for camping is required. Space is limited.
Where do I pre-register for camping?
You can email us at info@kirbyfarm.com for a registration form and payment information.
What time can we arrive to camp?
Campers are welcome to check-in at the farm on Saturday from 10am-4pm. No admittance will be allowed after 4pm. After 4pm guests without a camper’s wristband will be removed from the farm.
Where do we check-in to camp?
At the main entrance gate.
May campers bring our own coolers with food and drink?
Yes! We encourage campers to bring food and drinks, especially water. Food and drinks must be kept at your campsite only. It is NOT allowed in general areas. No ALCOHOL OR TOBACCO are allowed on the premises!
What should I bring with me?
Below is a list of items we feel are the Top 10 essentials for campers.
1) Sufficient drinking water- You might get thirsty! Just sayin’!
2) Bug spray/ant granules- Yep, it’s a farm, on a farm are critters big and small. They especially like it if you leave crumbs around your campsite.
3) Off Deep Woods, or similar bug deterrent product- Have you ever felt like you were in a tent being buzzed by a Huey helicopter? Don’t worry that’s probably just a mosquito!
4) Flashlight- Uhh, do you want to go into a porta-potty without a flashlight at night? For that matter, do you want to go anywhere in the middle of nowhere without a flashlight at night?
5) You know, it’s always good to have a backup roll of toilet paper when camping, besides, the outhouse paper is scratchy anyway.
6) Benadryl- You know that stuff you realized you forgot AFTER finding an ant bed or Poison Oak on a nice walk.
7) First aid kit- All right Davy Crockett, you can never be too prepared for a boo-boo.
8) Food and non-alcoholic drinks for snacks or dinner.
9) Sleeping bags, Blankets, or other appropriate bedding. (Or you can just sleep on the ground.)
10) Shelter- This is a no brainer isn’t it, unless you REALLY want to camp like the cowboys. In that case just pick you a spot to call home for the night and grab a rock for a pillow. If not, Tents, RVs, or motorhomes are welcome. There are no hookups so units must be fully self-contained.
What time are lights out?
While there is no specific time for lights out, for the sake of the families with smaller children camping on the farm we ask that noise be kept to a minimum after 10pm.
Are there any refunds or exchanges?
There are no refunds or exchanges for any reason. All monies received are accepted as a donation on behalf of Kirby Family Farm, a 501-C-3 non-profit children’s organization. We recommend that you verify your dates with family and friends before purchasing tickets. Tickets cannot be replaced if lost, stolen, or destroyed.
What happens in the case of inclement weather?
You could get REALLY WET! This event is rain or shine. In the case of high winds we may not be able to offer all activities for safety reasons. The Six Gun Territory Wild West Weekend does not give refunds or exchanges to those who are unable to attend their scheduled day due to weather conditions. In the rare case of a cancellation, we will post a notice online, as well as update our main phone recording at 352-812-7435. Tickets for an upcoming date or future visit may be offered at the discretion of management in the event of a cancellation.
Thanks for all the great information, but I still have questions.
Please contact us at info@kirbyfarm.com or (352)812-7435.
All monies received are collected as a donation supporting the cost and development of the Kirby Family Farm and its programs for education and at-risk children in whole as well as each individual activity.